SBS Diversity in Food Media Australia Competition FAQs

Everything you need to know on how to enter this competition on SBS.

Lemon brulee tart

Source: Alan Benson

What is the SBS Diversity in Food Media Australia Competition?

The is a chance for aspiring writers, audio and visual creatives to share their stories and be in the running to win a prize pool of up to $9,000. 

The competition theme is ‘Journey through food’ which allows plenty of scope to submit a piece of original creative work. Participants can enter only once via three categories: writing, audio or visual work.

  • For the Written category, submit a 1,000 words maximum non-fiction memoir piece.

  • For the Audio category, submit a 2-3 minute (maximum) MP3, MP4 or WAV audio sample of an audio story, accompanied by a 250-word (maximum) written statement that outlines the project idea in more detail.

  • For the Visual category, submit a still image (photo, illustration, artwork or mixed media), uploaded in a JPEG, TIFF, PNG or PDF file, accompanied by a 250-word (maximum) written statement to accompany the image that outlines the concept.

Why are we doing it?

An initiative from SBS Food and Diversity in Food Media Australia, the competition has been created to support the discovery and development of talent and contribute to greater diversity in food storytelling.

No previous writing, audio or visual experience is necessary here. This is a competition aimed at celebrating new stories, new voices and new creations through a food lens.

When does it start?

Entries will be accepted from 9am (AEDT) on February 21, 2022

The competition will close at 6pm (AEDT) on March 21, 2022.

Who is eligible?

The competition is only open to Australian citizens, permanent residents or those currently living in Australia; aged 18 and over, and who are not published authors of a book (written) or regular food media contributors, employed as a radio presenter or prominent podcaster (audio) or previously managed by an agency or gallery (visual). 

Employees of the Promoter, the Prize Supplier(s) and associated companies and their immediate families are ineligible.

The submission must be original and not have been published previously.

What if I've self-published a book?

Authors of self-published books are eligible.

Authors of academic papers and authors whose works were published in an anthology are also eligible to enter.

All other published authors, (including authors of children's books, novels, poetry, textbooks, guide books or other non-fiction) are not eligible. 

The competition intends to raise the profile of aspiring writers who have had no previous exposure to the book publishing industry, paid food journalism or regularly published and paid work within the food media industry.

What if I’ve previously produced journalistic work?

Individuals who have self-published articles or blogs are eligible. 

Individuals who have taken part in unpaid journalistic work are eligible. 

Individuals who have been full-time or regular paid contributors within food media companies are not eligible.

What if I’ve worked on podcasts before?

Individuals who’ve done unpaid work on radio, podcasts or other forms of audio broadcast are eligible. 

Individuals who have been full-time or regular paid audio creatives within relevant media companies are not eligible.

The competition intends to raise the profile of aspiring audio producers and podcast makers who have had no previous exposure to the radio and podcasting industry.

Can teenagers enter?

Entrants need to be at least 18 years old, so anyone aged 17 and under is not eligible to enter. If you are under the age of 18 and you have been inspired by this competition we have put together a list of some writing competitions and resources around the country that you might be interested in. You can find that list here via the .

What is the word length for the written category?

Written entries are strictly 1,000 words submitted through .

The entries platform will not accept submissions over 1,000 words.

What is required for the audio category?

Audio entries must be 2 - 3 minute (maximum) MP3, MP4 or WAV files, uploaded and submitted through

Each entry must be accompanied by a 250-word (maximum) statement, which provides context to the audio, how it fits the theme ‘journey through food’, and how the entrant would produce a longer and more professional version of the audio submitted.

What is required for the visual category?

Visual entries must be a still image (photo, illustration or mixed media), uploaded and submitted through in a JPEG, TIFF or PNG file, accompanied by a 250-word (maximum) artist’s statement that outlines the project and how it fits the theme ‘journey through food’.

Is the competition only open to culturally diverse creatives?

No, the competition is open to everyone as long as they are aged 18 and over, are residents or citizens of Australia and meet all of the criteria outlined on our and .

However, being SBS we are particularly encouraging writers and creatives from diverse backgrounds to apply, including creatives from Indigenous and culturally diverse backgrounds, as well as people with a disability, LGBTIQ creatives, creatives from regional and remote areas as well as those from socio-economically diverse backgrounds.

The SBS Food website provides examples of the broad spectrum of diverse content we publish as well as examples of the.

How to enter?

Submissions will be accepted from 9am (AEDT) on February 21 until 6 pm (AEDT) on March 21, 2022. 

Entries are to be submitted via the .

Go to  and sign up to enter.

You can write your story and your statements (for audio and visual submissions)in and save your draft as you go. When you are happy with your entry, follow the prompts to submit it into the competition. 

You can go back into your entry and make changes at any time while the competition is open. You can also download a copy of your entry to keep as a record.

Can I post or email in my entry?

No, entries will only be accepted if they are submitted through the online portal, as mentioned above. We cannot accept handwritten entries, nor entries arriving by email or post.

What are the prizes?

The winning submission in the written category will be awarded a $3,000 cash prize to further their storytelling future, as well as having their story published on SBS Food. 

The winning submission in the audio category will receive a $1,500 cash prize ($500 awarded by Audiocraft and $1,000 awarded by Diversity in Food Media) as well as one mentorship session with Audiocraft. 

The winning submission in the visual category will receive a $1,500 cash prize from Diversity in Food Media as well as a chance for their work to be profiled on SBS Food. 

There will also be a $1,500 prize awarded by SBS Food for two highly commended prizes for the written category.

Helpful hints

What is the theme?

The theme this year is ‘journey through food’. You are free to interpret this any way you choose.

Your 'journey' may be material or spiritual. It may be cultural or social, or psychological. 

For example, you could explore your experiences living or travelling in rural or urban Australia, or experiences overseas. You may be inspired to explore stories from different countries you have lived in, and their impact on you.

What does '‘journey through food’ mean to you? We'd like to hear your unique stories.

How is it judged?

Entries will be judged by SBS Food Managing Editor Farah Celjo, food writer and cookbook author Hetty McKinnon, Wiradjuri journalist and presenter Rae Johnston, Audiocraft Managing Director Kate Montague and award-winning multi-disciplinary designer Evi O. 

Judges will choose winning entries based on criteria covering originality, writing technique, storytelling and expression of the theme.

Can I enter in another language?

All written entries and artist statements must be submitted in English. However, non-English language may be used within images in visual entries.

What is the genre?

For written entries, the genre is non-fiction memoir writing. Memoir writing is telling a story through your own eyes and understanding.

For audio, the genre is non-fiction podcast or audio storytelling.

For visual, the genre is an illustration or visual depiction and expression.

Is there an entry fee?

No, this competition is free to enter.

When will winners be announced?

Winners will be notified on May 9, 2022. SBS will announce the winners of the competition on May 12, 2022, on SBS Food.

Key contacts

For any technical problems and general enquiries, please email us at:

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8 min read
Published 18 February 2022 2:06am
Updated 21 February 2022 3:58pm
By SBS Food
Source: SBS

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