【中港快讯】 中五学生中警员实弹枪情况危殆

Police say the teen was taken to hospital in a 'conscious state' after he was shot in the chest during city-wide protests.

Police say the teen was taken to hospital in a 'conscious state' after he was shot in the chest during city-wide protests. Source: SBS News

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昨日是十一国庆,香港多区爆发了严重警民冲突,一名中五学生遭警员开实弹击中,是香港自 6 月 9 日发生大型示威行动以来,首位被警员开实弹枪击伤的示威者。

香港警务处处长卢伟聪形容,昨日是香港其中一个最暴力、最混乱的日子,并且对警员实弹开枪作出辩护,可是,警方的内部指引中,究竟有没有説明警员在哪些情况之下才可以开枪? 请听香港通讯员张慕澄的报导。
