Twitter users connect with #IAmNonbinary hashtag

"Nonbinary people are nonbinary and deserve respect."


Twitter users are connecting over the #IAmNonbinary hashtag. Source: 500px Prime

Non-binary social media users are connecting on Twitter, with the #IAmNonBinary hashtag trending in Australia today.

UK trans organisation Mermaids celebrated the occasion, tweeting: "Great to see so many people expressing themselves with the  tag!"

They added: "Nonbinary people are nonbinary and deserve respect."

Author, performer and advocate Kate Bornstein joined in, reflecting on the change they've witnessed since first coming out three decades ago. 

"Thirty years ago, I started calling myself not-man/not-woman," they wrote. "Now there’s a word for it, and a day for it, and a fabulous fam of it, all on one (or more) glorious, never ending hashtag #IAmNonbinary, and I couldn’t be happier for all of that."
Other members of the community shared photos of themselves, along with personal insights and examples of creative writing and art. 

A Twitter user named Bryn wrote: "My gender identity has nothing to do with my gender expression.

"I reject gendered expectation and uphold the right for all people to define and express their gender however they choose."

"Hey, we’re doing #IAmNonbinary today!" another user tweeted.

"I’m a feminine leaning genderfluid individual going through a meandering transition without a clear end goal. I just know I’m happier with myself now than I was trying to be cis male."

They continued: "I’m taking the scenic route in my gender journey."

You can join in the conversation on Twitter using the #IAmNonbinary hashtag.

2 min read
Published 11 January 2021 11:06am
By SBS Staff
Source: SBS

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