Parents do new gender reveal party for their non-binary teen

“We wanted to announce that we got it wrong 17 years ago when we told the world we were having a little girl."


Grey shared photos from their gender-reveal on social media. Source: Instagram, @RedHeadedTyrant

An Ohio mother has thrown a gender reveal party for her 17-year-old teen, Grey Schoolcraft.

“We wanted to announce that we got it wrong 17 years ago when we told the world we were having a little girl,” Love Gwaltney wrote in a last week (shared with Schoolcraft's permission).

“So, we’d like to introduce you to our SON: Grey," she continued. "He’s much like any other 17-year-old nerdy boy, stays up way [too] late gaming, hates showering, and eats too much junk food. We will be referring to Grey with he/him pronouns from here on out, but he told us to tell you that he also doesn’t mind if you use they/them.”

The mother added: "No, we're not buying him a lifted truck. Yes, we will be buying him some new clothes."

According to the Gwaltneys decided to hold the event in celebration of their son coming out as trans non-binary, subverting the generic baby 'gender reveal' with a giant box releasing balloons that weren't pink or blue, but yellow, white, purple, and black - the colours featured on the non-binary flag.
In an , Grey shared a photo with a slice of 'gender reveal cake', which was decorated in pink, blue, and white, the colors of the trans Pride flag.

“I wanted the transgender flag in there because I still feel that going from whatever you are originally to non-binary is also a transition, and it doesn’t just have to be straight female to male,” Grey said of the cake.

He also took an opportunity to come out to his followers.

"Hi. I go by Grey and have been doing such for the past couple of months, longer than that I've going by they/them or he/him pronouns and it's something that I've struggled to fight against others about," he wrote.

"But I think it's about time that I be honest with myself. Hi, I'm Grey- if you have any questions feel free to ask."
Grey's parents
Grey with his parents. Photos by Sarah McBride. Source: Facebook, Sarah McBride
Comments on the , which has since gone viral with over 52,000 shares, have been overwhelmingly supportive.

"These photos moved me to tears!" one social media user wrote. "What a wonderful family and what a strong and resilient son you’ve raised."

Another commented: "I don't know you and I didn't know your story when I looked at the pictures. What I saw was a beautiful display of love in a family. All the best wishes to each of you!"

3 min read
Published 22 July 2020 11:36am
By SBS staff writers
Source: SBS

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