Nova Peris and her maiden speech: the story behind the pictures

This portrait of Nova Peris, taken before her maiden speech as our first female Indigenous elected to federal parliament, is one of the iconic images that make up the opening credits of The Point with Stan Grant.

Nova Peris

Source: AAP

Recognised as one of Australia's most decorated athletes, Labor Senator Nova Peris used her maiden speech in the Senate to say she would give up her accolades "in a heartbeat" to see Indigenous Australians free, healthy and able to participate fully in their nation's destiny.

With three generations of family present, the proud Kiga/Yawuru/Muran woman from NT walked into the Senate, her face painted in ochre and wearing a gold silk outfit featuring dancing brolgas.
I am immensely proud of who I am and where I hail from. It is majestic.
While acknowledging the "odds are stacked" against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, Peris said she was committed to exposing those "totally unscrupulous people" who try to use Indigenous peoples to promote their own agendas.

"Should I see this happen, I will call it for what it is. It's racism - and I know that's confronting - but I will not stand by in silence," she said.

"It is my dream to see kids from Santa Theresa, from Gunbalanya, from Kalkarindji and the Tiwi Islands all with the same opportunity as the kids from the eastern suburbs of Sydney."

Thanking ex-Prime Minister Julia Gillard "from the bottom of my heart" for backing her campaign in politics, she said, "my duty now is to work hard and make a real difference."
Learn more about The Point with Stan Grant .

The Point with Stan Grant
Weeknights from 29 February
9pm on NITV
Ch 34 & Foxtel 144
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2 min read
Published 24 February 2016 3:46pm
Updated 26 February 2016 5:33pm
By Jerico Mandybur

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