NITV presents a host of critically acclaimed documentaries for National Reconciliation Week

Showcasing the culture, achievements and resilience of Indigenous peoples.

Servant or Slave, Nyoongar Footy Magic, Carry The Flag

(L-R) Stills from NITV documentaries: Servant or Slave, Nyoongar Footy Magic, Carry The Flag Source: NITV

Indigenous histories exist in our everyday: It’s in the languages we speak, the designs of our buildings, the conversations we have, the political decisions of our country and cultivated in our natural landscapes – almost everything has an Indigenous story behind it.  

This Reconciliation Week, NITV will be honouring the national body's 2018 theme, ‘Don’t Keep History a Mystery’, and prompting Australians to consider, celebrate and promote the fascinating and important contributions of Indigenous people and culture through an extensive program line-up.
Commemorating two significant milestones in Australia’s reconciliation journey, the successful 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo decision, NITV will offer several historic documentaries including Case 442, Carry the Flag, the Long Walk, Mabo: Life of an Island Man and After Mabo.

Also on offer, is the award-winning NITV documentary , which is an emotional and confronting insight into the history and legacy of the domestic servitude enforced upon Aboriginal girls in Australia, told through the lives of five women.

In a world premiere, NITV will screen the first episode of brand new documentary Nyoongar Footy Magic which profiles the careers and lives of five game-changing Western Australian Nyoongar Aussie Rules champions. 

NITV Channel Manager, Tanya Orman said, “For National Reconciliation Week in 2018, NITV will be showcasing a dedicated program offering, welcoming viewers to come and listen to our stories, learn about our history and be immersed in our culture.

The channel will also be getting out amongst National Reconciliation Week events, collecting stories and doing live crosses as NITV News hits the road.”

Mabo: Life of an Island Man

Sunday 27 May at 8.30pm and available
Bonita Mabo at her husband Eddie Koiki Mabo's gravestone. Taken at Murray Island September 1995
Source: Trevor Graham
Award-winning documentary tells the private and public stories of a man so passionate about family and home that he fought an entire nation and its legal system for it. Although Eddie Mabo passed away before his greatest victory was won, he has a place forever in Murray Island and in Australian history.

My Survival as an Aboriginal

Sunday 27 May at 10pm and available 

My Survival As An Aboriginal
Source: SBS Movies

follows Essie Coffey, a black activist and musician and is the first documentary directed by an Indigenous woman. The film shows the conflicts of living as an Aboriginal under white domination.

My Life as I Live it

Sunday 27 May at 11pm

Essie Coffey
Source: Facebook / NITV

The 1993 film, My Life as I Live It is an update of the 1978 film, and shows how life has changed for the Aboriginal community of Brewarrina in far north-west NSW.

Case 442

Monday 28 May at 7.30pm and available

Case 442
Source: NITV

Case 442 is an intimate journey that follows Frank Byrne’s painful struggle after being forcibly removed from his mother Maudie, his 60 year search for her and the final laying to rest of his beloved mother. An emotionally moving story that portrays an unbreakable mother-son bond and illustrates how Native Affairs child removal policies left Australians like Frank with a broken heart. 

Servant or Slave

Monday 28 May at 8.30pm and available 
Screencap from Servant or Slave
Still from powerful documentary, Servant or Slave Source: NITV
Bringing to light the heartbreaking experiences of the Wenberg sisters Adelaide, Valerie (Linow) and Rita,  celebrates their fortitude by pursuing justice for the crimes committed against them.

Their firsthand accounts of officially sanctioned enslavement reveal the true intent of the government policy of ‘protection’ prevalent through the twentieth century. Theirs is a David and Goliath battle waged not only for personal healing, but to shed light on a barely acknowledged part of a modern Australia’s history whose consequences are still felt today.

Nyoongar Footy Magic

Wednesday 30 May at 9pm and available On Demand
Nicky Winmar Nyoongar Footy Magic
Nicky Winmar is profiled in the documentary, 'Nyoongar Footy Magic'. Source: Supplied
New NITV documentary series, Nyoongar Footy Magic is four half-hour stories profiling the lives and careers of five game-changing Western Australian Nyoongar Aussie Rules champions, presented by Ernie Dingo.

The series profiles Graham ‘Polly’ Farmer, Barry Cable, Jim and Phil Krakouer and Nicky Winmar and relays their stories of triumph. 

In the last sixty years, the small Indigenous nation of Nyoongar (WA) has provided many of the greatest AFL football stars. The Nyoongar athletes are known for their skill and lightning-fast reflexes. It became a passion for generations trapped in missions, homes and on reserves ready to kick beyond the confines of marginal life and unite the nation through their inspirational passion, power and talent.

Carry the Flag

Friday 1 June at 8.30pm
Carry The Flag
Source: NITV News
A rich and powerful story of a man whose design created meaning for a nation of people once invisible to the mainland of Australia.  celebrates the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Torres Strait Islander Flag, and journeys to the Straits with Bala B to uncover and honour the life and times of his late father – Bernard Namok Senior, the flag’s creator.

The Long Walk

Friday 1 June at 9pm and available

The Long Walk
Source: AFL Documentary The Long Walk

The documentary,The Long Walk reflects on Essendon AFL great Michael Long's life, his stand against racism, his role pioneering the AFL’s racial discrimination code and the historic moment when he famously walked to Canberra to meet with then Prime Minister, John Howard.

His 2004 walk, from Melbourne to Canberra aimed to put the lives of Indigenous Australians back on the national agenda.

After Mabo

Sunday 3 June at 8.30pm and available
After Mabo documentary
Source: Screen Australia
After Mabo dispels many of the myths about native title and exposes the political and economic agenda behind John Howard's 'Ten Point Plan'.The film goes behind the doors as Indigenous representatives attempt to fight the amendments in the media, in the bush and in the halls of Parliament House, Canberra.

Respected Indigenous figures Noel Pearson, Peter Yu, Pat Dodson and filmmaker Richard Frankland, speak first-hand about land justice and the threat that the proposed Howard Amendments had to their land and their rights.


Get involved in National Reconciliation Week (27 May - 3 June) using the hashtags: #DontKeepHistoryAMystery & #NRW2018. 


6 min read
Published 23 May 2018 4:36pm
Updated 25 May 2018 8:40am
By NITV Staff Writers

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