Seven times female journalists have publicly faced sexism

Journalism, like most professional arenas, can be a boys' club. These seven female journalists have faced sexist slurs on and off-air.

Mel McLaughlin

Channel Ten sports reporter Mel McLaughlin. Source: Network Ten

The world of journalism can be a boys club, especially when it comes to news and sports journalism.

Here are seven times female journalists have publicly faced sexism.

1. Mel McLaughlin is propostioned during a side line interview.

Channel 10 sports reporter Mel McLaughlin was the recepient of unwanted advances during a sideline interview with West Indian at last night's Big Bash League.

Gayle commented on McLaughlin's "beautiful eyes" and said they should go out for a drink after this interview.

Noticing McLaughlin was taken aback, Gayle followed with a chiding, "Don't blush, baby."

The hightly publicised incident sparked dissent within the sporting community, and Gayle now faces sanctions from Cricket Australia.

On Tuesday, Gayle apologised for his comments to the Channel 10 reporter, descibing his comment as a "simple joke".

This is not the first time McLaughlin has faced commentary on her looks, let alone on-air.

Cricketer Dwayne Bravo to the "beautiful" Mel McLaughlin in the commentators box during another Channel 10 reporter's interview.

2. Samantha Maiden recieves a message from a cabinet minister calling her a "witch".

Samantha Maiden
Source: Twitter
Earlier this week News Corp's Sunday paper political editor Samantha Maiden was sent an message by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton calling her a "mad f**king witch".

The sledge was the result of Maiden's paper releasing a pixelated image of the public servant involved in the Jamie Brigg's bar incident, a woman whose identity the ministry has tried hard to keep confidential.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned both the Immigration Minister for the sledge as well as News Corp for leaking the picture of the public servant.

Mr Dutton has apologised since for the message.

3. Lucy Carter gets video bombed by a vulgar internet meme.

ABC journalist Lucy Carter was interrupted by a video bomber during a live cross in 2014. 

She was relaying news from a Sydney café explosion when a rogue young man dashed in front of the camera yelling, “F**k her right in the pussy” before running off. 

Carter continued on with her report with composure, while many commentators criticised the sexist stunt.

The video bomb originated from an internet meme.

A group of actors in the US staged a similar stunt where a journalist is interrupted with the same vulgar statement.

4. Erin Molan is asked about her sex life on live radio.

Erin Molan
(Nine Network) Source: Nine Network
Channel Nine sports journalist and NRL Footy Show presenter Erin Molan joined KIIS FM's Kyle and Jackie O Show for a segment called "Let's get to know Erin" last year.

Throughout the segment, Kyle Sandilands asked Molan inappropriate questions about how many sportsmen she's slept with and weather she had a "boob job".

Molan responded with, "That is an incredibly personal question. You know what ... I’m going to take the fifth on that one and say, ‘You know what, I’m happy with my rig the way it is.'"

During the segment, Sandilands also went on to call Molan's family "coke-heads".

Co-host Jackie O also noted the inappropriate nature of the interview, begging Sandilands to "let her off the hook".

Producers at KIIS had intended for the segement to be a weekly affair, but Molan refused to return to the program after the first week.

5. Sarah Teale is sexually harrassed whilst reporting on sexual harrassment.

BBC journalist for East Midlands' Today, Sarah Teale, was filming a television report about sexual harrasment outside Notingham Conference Centre in 2015.

She reported, "An online study found a shocking 95 per cent of people said they had been harassed, either jeered at or had obscenities shouted at them in the street."

As she finished that sentence, a passerby can be heard off camera, hurling obsenties Teale's way.

Teale, though clearly erked by the situation, simply gestured towards the passerby and continued her report, "Yeah, like that."

6. College sports writer Amelia Rayno is sexually harrassed by a university athletic director.

Amelia Rayno
(Twitter: @AmeliaRayno) Source: Twitter
After the athletic director Univerisity of Minesota Norwood Teague resigned following reports he sexually harassed employees, Star Tribune’s Amelia Rayno chose to share her own experience with the university director.

for Tribute recounts her dealings with Teague including an incident where he “grabbed” her, stalked her, and hounded her with a string of text messages when she refused his advances.

Her story encouraged several other women in the college sports reporting to open up with their experiences of sexual harassment on the job.

7. Tracey Spicer's manager tells her to "get her tits out".

Celebrities Attend World Vision's One Life Experience
(Gaye Gerard / Getty Images) Source: Getty Images
Former Channel 10 presenter and current online columnist for Fairfax, Tracey Spicer, has been vocal about sexual harrassment and sexism in the media industry. 

"Most female journos have lost count of the number of times they've been sexually harassed on the job." she told SBS Australia.

"Once, our CEO grabbed me on the arse, minutes after talking to the staff about compliance. Another time, a manager said I should 'stick my tits out more, to give the audience something to look at.'"

Ms Spicer runs her own media company, Spicercommuncations, when she's not penning coloums for Fairfax and Debrief Daily.

5 min read
Published 5 January 2016 9:57am
Updated 5 January 2016 4:39pm
By Shami Sivasubramanian

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