Philippines bloody drug war targets poor

Seven months in more than seven thousand are dead. In the Philippines bloody 'war on drugs' it is overwhelmingly the poor who are targeted, Amnesty says.

an alleged drug user who was shot down east of Manila

In the Philippines' bloody 'war on drugs' it is the poor who are targeted, Amnesty says. (AAP)

A husband gunned down at close range by police. A son begging to surrender. An eight-year-old boy telling his Dad "I'm wounded" just moments after being fatally shot through his stomach.

Each of the more than 7,000 people killed under Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's 'war on drugs' has a separate story, but they form a single narrative.

Police and hired guns can kill with impunity and the poor are overwhelmingly the target, Amnesty International says.

When researcher Matthew Wells began working on the report into extrajudicial executions in the Philippines, released Wednesday, it was the sheer nakedness of the killings that struck him.

"I have worked in conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa: the brazenness (of what is happening in the Philippines) was really unlike anything I had seen," Mr Wells told AAP.

There was one man who worked at a cafeteria outside a local school. On November 2016 two people approached him on a motorbike in broad daylight.

"In front of the children they put a gun to this guy's neck and killed him."

Amnesty interviewed 110 people across 20 cities, detailing 33 cases involving the death of 59 people.

Of those killed since President Duterte's war on drugs began last July, at least 2,500 were at the hands of police.

Witnesses told Amnesty the raids often happened in poor neighbourhoods late at night. Victims were often unarmed and begged to surrender.

In some cases, it's alleged, police planted drugs and weapons while plundering homes for valuables.

One officer told Amnesty that some were rewarded by funeral homes for each body sent their way.

The lawlessness that overshadows the war on drugs is further emphasised by the more than 4,100 so-called drug 'pushers and users' estimated to have been killed by unknown assailants.

Two hired guns told Amnesty that under Mr Duterte demand for their work has risen from two "jobs" a month to up to four a week, as police face pressure to reach quotas in the war on drugs.

The "order" came from a cop and would arrive in an envelope, they said.

"It has the person's name, a picture, the address, what the person likes to do."

To find "targets", police use "watchlists" made up of suspected drug users and sellers.

"(These lists have) at best, encouraged a practice of spying on neighbours and, at worst, have given people a way to get rid of personal or political rivals," the report states.

This week President Duterte announced a suspension of anti-drug operations following the killing of a South Korean businessman by rogue officers.

But with the President vowing to forge ahead with his war on drugs until his term ends in 2022, Mr Wells said there were few signs of the killings easing up.

3 min read
Published 1 February 2017 7:32am
Source: AAP

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