Friends mourn death of Afghan man in Melbourne immigration detention centre

A 23-year-old Afghan man has died in a Melbourne immigration detention centre.

Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation

اقامتگاه ترانزیتی مهاجرت ملبورن Source: SBS

A young man has died at the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation centre.

Victoria Police confirmed the death of the 23-year-old man, saying he died at a government facility in Broadmeadows at 12.20am on Saturday morning.

The death is not believed to be suspicious and a report will be prepared for the coroner.

Friends of the 23-year-old said he came from Afghanistan, describing him as a reserved man who was a "really good person".

The deceased man's roommate sounded the alarm after he was awoken by a loud thud and saw the 23-year-old face down on the floor.

"I tried to shake him but he didn't give me any response so I go to the officer. The officer came after maybe 10, 15 seconds. The lady tried to give him CPR. He was, like, choking," he told newspaper.

Officers performed CPR before the paramedics arrived and took over -- but the attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.

Detainees in nearby rooms said they observed paramedics persist for about 45 minutes before they could not detect a pulse.

The Australian Border Force also confirmed the death.

Readers seeking support and information about suicide can contact 24 hours a day online and on 13 11 14. Other services include the on 1300 659 467, and  (for people aged five to 25) on 1800 55 1800.

2 min read
Published 13 July 2019 7:16pm

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