Вшанування України та її Героїв у Сіднеї


On Saturday, August 24th, over 725 guests gathered at Sydney Town Hall to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, standing together in solidarity with the pride, unity, and resilience of the Ukrainian nation. Credit: Nicholas Buenk

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Минулої суботи, у незабутній день 24 серпня, понад 725 гостей зібралися в Сіднейській Ратуші, щоб відсвяткувати 33-ю річницю Незалежності України та висловити свою підтримку українській нації. Захід, організований ОУГ НПВ, презентував історію, культуру та дух України через неймовірну театральну виставу, а також відбулася цікава дискусія...

Ukrainian Independence Day, Sydney Town Hall, August 24th, 2024. Olga Voronina and Ruslana Danilkina, known as "The Unbreakable Rusya," a 21-year-old Ukrainian defender and veteran. Photo Christina Tegza. Olga Voronina and Ruslana Danilkina, known as "The Unbreakable Rusya," a 21-year-old Ukrainian defender and veteran. Photo Christina Tegza.
On Saturday, August 24th, over 725 guests gathered at Sydney Town Hall to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, standing together in solidarity with the pride, unity, and resilience of the Ukrainian nation. Organised by the Ukrainian Council of NSW, this remarkable event showcased the history, culture, and spirit of Ukraine through an incredible theatrical performance.
Ukrainian Independence Day, Sydney Town Hall, August 24th, 2024.
Ukrainian Independence Day, Sydney Town Hall, 2024, August 24th. Panel discussion about the future of Ukraine was moderated by Bevan Shields, Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. Leading experts, including Mick Ryan (Retired Major General, Australian Army), Kateryna Argyrou (Chair of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations), Misha Zelinsky (National Security Expert, Australian Financial Review), and Alex Vynokur (Founder and CEO of BetaShares), discussed Ukraine’s reconstruction and Australia’s role in the process. Photo Christina Tegza.
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