Insight into Coronavirus testing in Australia

คุณอภิญญา ฤทธิ์มหา เล่าประสบการณ์ถูกตรวจเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนาในออสเตรเลีย

คุณอภิญญา ฤทธิ์มหา เล่าประสบการณ์ถูกตรวจเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนาในออสเตรเลีย Source: Supplied

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Aphinya Ritmaha told us about her own recent experience of being tested for Coronavirus after arriving in Perth from Thailand. Her cold-like symptoms showing after the trip prompted her to consult her GP and was sent to an emergency of a local public hospital where she was tested for coronavirus. She explained about how she had been tested for the virus and quarantined at home before the test result came out negative.
