Settlement Guide: Evaluate your risk: How to prepare for and survive floods in a wet summer

Evalúe su riesgo: Cómo prepararse y sobrevivir a las inundaciones en un verano húmedo

Evalúe su riesgo: Cómo prepararse y sobrevivir a las inundaciones en un verano húmedo Source: Getty Images

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Australia is gearing up for a wetter summer season with above average rainfall across eastern parts of the country due to the La Niña weather event based on forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology. Experts are warning people to exercise caution near flood-prone areas.

Key Points
  • Never drive in flooded water as it only takes 15 cm of water for a car to float and drift away
  • Australia is expecting more cyclones and floods this summer due to the La Niña event in the tropical Pacific
  • Call your State Emergency Service (SES) for support on 13 25 00. Ring 000 if your life is in immediate danger



The Bureau of Meteorology or BOM is forecasting a wetter than normal summer due to the La Niña weather event which is expected to cause above average rainfall across eastern Australia this summer.

Read the full article in English .
