Tej me nyuam cov kev saib xov tooj

A child is watching Pepa Pig on a tablet

A child is watching Pepa Pig on a tablet Source: Getty Images

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Tau muaj ib cov kev teeb txheeb tshiab los ntawm lub tsev kawm qhib siab University of Queensland tau qhia tias Australia tej me nyuam nyuam qhuav yug tau txog li 2 hlis xwb twb saib tau smart phone lawm, thiab cov kws teeb txheeb txhawj tias tsam muaj teeb meem rau Australia tej me nyuam no cov kev sis paub sib tham, tsis paub hais lus thiab cuam tshuam rau lawv cov kev loj hlob. Ntiaj teb lub koom haum tswj kwv noj qab haus huv thiab tsoom hwv teb chaws Australia yeej tau txwv tsis pub tej me nyuam hnoob nyoog qes dua 2 xyoos saib xov tooj hlo li lawm.

Mloog tau ntau yam xov xwm ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv tau raws li hauv qab no:
