Hmoob cov khaub ncaws fashion thiab cov kev ua hauj lwm hnav khaub ncaws fashion

Fashion and modelling

Fashion and modelling Source: Courtesy of Tsai Thao

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Ntxhais Thoj qhia txog tias yuav npaj koj tus kheej li cas yog koj xav ua cov hauj lwm fashion thiab modelling.


Hnav khaub ncaws fab sim Hmoob.
Fashion and modelling
Fashion and modelling in Hmong - Courtesy of Tsai Thao Source: Courtesy of Tsai Thao
Fashion-Tsai Thao Source: Courtesy of Tsai Thao
Modern fashion
Zenobian Moxis FS-Courtesy of Tsai Thao Source: Courtesy of Tsai Thao
