Hmoob lub tsiab peb caug txawv Suav lub xyoo tshiab Lunar New Year li cas

Hmong_Hmong and Chinese new year15022024.png

Lunar New Year 2024 Source: SBS

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Hmoob lub xyoo tshiab ho txawv los yog zoo sib xws li cas nrog Suav lub xyoo tshiab Lunar New Year? Kub Tsab uas yog ib tug hluas Hmoob Nplog uas kawm ntawv Suav thiab Suav tej kab lis kev cai qhia txog nws tej experience uas tau pom tej neeg Suav ua lawv lub koom txoos xyoo tshiab tias ho muaj kev ua kev zoo siab zoo li cas.

Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab . Downloadthiab caum
