The News in Yiddish

SBS Yiddish

Alex Dafner reports in Yiddish Source: Getty

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The latest news in the Yiddish language, presented by Alex Dafner

The current Australian Labor Government’s reversal of Australia’s recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, has drawn strong criticism from the Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, as well as several local Labor, Liberal and Independent Parliamentarians, not least because it came at a time of one of the major Jewish festivals of Simchat Torah.

The Jewish, Federal MP Josh Burns and Jewish community leaders, criticised the former deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Nationals Party, Barnaby Joyce, for his comparison of the First Nations Voice to Parliament proposed changes to the Australian constitution, with those of racial laws passed in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

The Jewish, Victorian State Member for Caulfield, David Southwick MP, who was the initiator of the law banning the display of Nazi Swastikas in that state, said that he would not be intimidated by the smearing of swastikas on his election posters for the coming Victorian elections.

The leader of the Labor opposition in NSW, Chris Minns, has asked his party’s office to urgently review the membership application of a former university tutor, who previously wore a badge declaring “Death to Israel” and “Curse on the Jews”, among other extremist political views.
