Thermopylae- Salamis 2500 years

ο κ. Κώστας Γιαννακόδημος εν μέσω της συζύγου του Κωνσταντίνα ςκαι εκπροσώπων των φορεών διοργάνωσης

ο κ. Κώστας Γιαννακόδημος εν μέσω της συζύγου του Κωνσταντίνα ςκαι εκπροσώπων των φορεών διοργάνωσης Source: Supplied- AHEA

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The 2500 years from the historical battles at Thermopylae and Salamina were commemorated at an event that took place in Sydney.

The event was held on Tuesday 08 December 2020. The main speaker was the head of the Public Diplomacy Office at the Greek Consulate-General in Sydney, Mr Kostas Giannakodimos.

It was co-organised with the Australian Hellenic educators Association, the Laconian Federation of NSW and the Athenian Association of NSW.

It was hosted at the Hall, of the St Nikolaos church in Marrickville.
