The Archdiocese donates $100.000 to Victoria University’s researches for vaccines

Professor Vasso Apostolopoulou and Archbishop Makarios

Professor Vasso Apostolopoulou and Archbishop Makario Source: Supplied

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The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia is donating $100.000 to the researches for medicine and vaccines which are conducted at Victoria University. The head of the researches is Greek Australian, Prof. Vasso Apostolopoulou.

Speaking to SBS Greek, His Eminence Mr Makarios said that “almost two months ago, having accepted an invitation from the University of Victoria, I had the good fortune come close to the scientists who are struggling to find the cure for Coronavirus”.

In the laboratories, he said “ I felt, in a small degree of course, the agony that fills them. I do not hide from you that I was moved by this agony, their willingness for self-sacrifice and the tireless effort I saw them make in order to carry out the great task they are undertaking.”

“The head of the research is a Greek Australian,  Mrs. Vaso Apostolopoulou, who successfully developed the first vaccine against breast cancer. Therefore she is a distinguished scientist who is leading a team of expert and worthy colleagues ​​and surely possesses the necessary qualifications to innovate once more. With these thoughts and the belief that we all have a duty to contribute as much as we can to the effort against the pandemic, we considered it necessary to support the research by Mrs. Apostolopoulos and her associates. At the same time, we haven’t stopped and will not stop praying to God that He supports the scientific community in the success of their undertaking.

In any case, we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their efforts and for the non-stop fight they have been giving the past few months. Personally, I look forward to meeting them and thank them face to face, as I look forward to meeting once again all Greek Australians in Victoria and the rest of Australia”, concluded the Archbishop.

The donation will be of great help

Speaking to SBS Greek, Professor, Apostolopoulo, thanked the Archdiocese for their donation, "which makes us able to move along our research on coronavirus. We have made some progress, we have a list of medications that can fight coronavirus and also a vaccine against COVID-19. There are two things we are doing. With the money the Archdiocese gave us, we will be able to move faster, in order to enter clinical trials"

"I feel proud to have the support of the Archdiocese and its blessing. This makes me and our entire team able to move faster, to do something about coronavirus so we return back to our everyday life. The way we lived before coronavirus", said Prof. Apostolopoulou.
