Melbourne's Greek language school awarded for a newspaper project about Pontian Hellenism

Extract from "Pontos Pantou", from the students of St Panteleimon Greek School Dandenong.

Extract from "Pontos Pantou", from the students of St Panteleimon Greek School Dandenong. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos

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Students of St Panteleimon Greek School Dandenong and their teachers successfully participated in an International Competition.

With the competition theme of ”Pontos”, 1400 entries in various categories were received from schools, ranging from kindergarten, primary schools, junior and senior secondary schools in Greece and from around the world.

St Panteleimon Greek School Dandenong school’s entry won second place in the newspaper category, Niki Farfara-Pashou, Principal of the school told SBS Greek.
Students from the Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts Greek School.
Students from the Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts Greek School. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos
The International Competition with the theme “Pontos” was organised in Greece with the approval of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious, and the support of the Greek National Commission of UNESCO.

Years 7 and 8 students participated and the senior students, Nektaria Antonopoulos, Amelia Kalomiris, and Kyriaki Symeonidou-Syvridou as well. 
Students from the Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts Greek School.
Students from the Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts Greek School. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos
The school's students participated in the ‘Newspaper’ category, where they created their own newspaper named: “Pontos Everywhere”, and in which they published articles and news about the Pontian culture. 

In their newspaper presentation, students covered different aspects of Pontian culture with particular reference to customs and traditions, the Pontian dialect, jewelry, songs, musical instruments, Pontian cuisine, and much more.
Maria Hatzisimeonidou.
Maria Hatzisimeonidou. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos
Mrs. Maria Hatzisymeonidi, a Pontian parishioner, visited the school and spoke to the students about Pontian Hellenism. The students interviewed her in order to complete their articles in their newspaper “Pontos Everywhere “. 

It is worth noting that Mrs. Hatzisymeonidi brought some traditional cheese pies and sweets for them.

The students had the guidance and support of their teachers, Vicky Lambropoulou and Christina Soumi. Polixeni Sagiadellis assisted the students in the graphic design and presentation of the newspaper. 

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The award.
The award. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos
Extract from the students' newspaper.
Extract from the students' newspaper. Source: Niki Farfara-Pashos
