Kataifi cups with labneh and sour cherries

Kataifi cups with yoghurt and sour cherries

Kataifi cups with yoghurt and sour cherries Source: Supplied/Angela Nicolettou

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Angela Nicolettou shows us how to make a quick and easy dessert: Kataifi cups with yoghurt labneh and topped with sour cherry.

Kataifi, labneh and sour cherry cups


1 kg plain yoghurt

1 tbs honey

½ tsp salt


150g kataifi pastry

70g butter, melted


250g sour cherry spoon sweet

¼ cup pistachio nuts, crushed


Start this recipe the day before, as the labneh needs to strain overnight.

Mix the salt and honey into the yoghurt. Place a piece of cheesecloth or muslin (even a clean thin tea towel will work) over a sieve and add the yoghurt mixture. Cover with the overhanging pieces of material and place over a bowl, with enough room for the whey (liquid from the yoghurt) to drain into. Leave in the fridge overnight.

Heat oven to 180C.

Place the kataifi pastry in a bowl and pull apart the strands of pastry. Add the melted butter and mix through with your hands to coat.

You will need a standard muffin tin (this recipe will make about 12 cups). Press about a handful of the kataifi pastry into each muffin space and press to form a cup. Bake for about 10 to 15 minutes until the pastry is golden. Remove from oven, let cool slightly in the tin (5 mins) and then remove each cup and let cool completely on a wire rack.

Assemble cups just before serving. Fill each cup with the labneh (you could pipe this if you like) and top each cup with a tablespoon of sour cherry spoon sweet. Drizzle with a little extra syrup and garnish with crushed pistachio nuts.
