Hellenic Diaspora "Dardalis Archives" to be showcased in a seminars' series

L: Arlene O'Sullivan, LaTrobe Library Senior Manager, Collections & Access, Stavroula Nikoloudis, Greek Studies, Fiona Salisbury, Library Executive Director.

L: Arlene O'Sullivan, LaTrobe Library Senior Manager, Collections & Access, Stavroula Nikoloudis, Greek Studies, Fiona Salisbury, Library Executive Director. Source: SBS Greek

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Recently, an information session took place at the La Trobe University Bundoora Campus about the lecture series titled "The History of the Greeks in Australia in Six Objects. Lecturer and coordinator of La Trobe's Greek Studies department, Stavroula (Stephie) Nikoloudis talks to SBS Greek.

The lecture series will be held between May and November 2019, at the Greek Centre and will be based on the contents of the Dardalis Archives.
The Dardalis Archives Research Seminar Series which is titled "The History of the Greeks in Australia in Six Objects" aim to showcase the material in the Archives, to re-engage with the local Greek Australian community, to spark the interest of students and scholars and to generate new publishable research associated with the contents of the Archives.
Fiona Salisbury, Library Executive Director, Professor Chris Mackie.
Fiona Salisbury, Library Executive Director, Professor Chris Mackie. Source: Supplied
Some of the guests from La Trobe University that were at the seminar series presentation were: Ms Fiona Salisbury, Library's Executive Director, Mr Simon Huggard, Deputy Director at the Scholarly Collections, Ms Arlene O'Sullivan, Senior Manager at the Collections and Access, and Mr Michael Protopapa who works at the Archives.
Michael Protopapas works at the "Dardalis Archives".
Michael Protopapas works at the "Dardalis Archives". Source: SBS Greek
Greek Studies coordinator, Ms Nikoloudis, did a special mention to Greek Australian Mr Tass Revis and Mr George Pangalismembers, who are members of the Greek Archives Project Committee. 

This group oversaw the Library's "listing" of the contents of the Archives and was chaired by Professor Chris Mackie, who was also present at the series' presentation.
At the "Dardalis Archives" Research Seminars program presentation.
At the "Dardalis Archives" Research Seminars program presentation. Source: Supplied
Some of the seminar speakers attended the gathering, including researcher Juliana Charpantidou, Dr Chris Fifis, Dr Dimitri Gonis, Dr Konstandina Dounis, as well as some students from Greek Studies.
Stavroula Nikoloudis, Greek Studies.
Stavroula Nikoloudis, Lecturer and Coordinator, Greek Studies. Source: SBS Greek
Program: The Dardalis Archives Research Seminar Series “The History of the Greeks in Australia in Six Objects”

8 May: Juliana Charpantidou [in Greek]: National Identities and Orthodoxy in the First Constitution of the Greek Community of Melbourne.

12 June: Dr Chris Fifis: The Politics of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria, 1928-1959.

21 August:  Dr Konstandina Dounis: A Parallel Universe: Growing up "Greek" in the 50s and 60s.

18 September: Dr Dimitri Gonis: Three Greek pioneers: Mick Adams, Vlase Zanalis and Harry Corones.

9 October: Peter Yiannoudes [in Greek]: The History of Greek Cinema in Australia.

6 November: Dr Toula Nicolacopoulos and Dr George Vassilacopoulos: Inspiring post-­60s Greek-Australian Youth Activism: The case of Lambrakis Youth and the Melbourne anti-­Vietnam war campaign.
At the LaTrobe's Greek Studies department.
At the LaTrobe's Greek Studies department. Source: SBS Greek
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