Esther Anatolitis: an arts' advocate farewells NAVA

SBS News talked with Esther Anatolitis about the changes.

Esther Anatolitis, executive director, National Association for the Visual Arts Source: Maja Baska via

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A few weeks before her three year tenure as the head of the National Association of the Visual Arts (NAVA) was concluded, Greek-Australian polyglot Esther Anatolitis spoke to SBS Greek about the state of affairs in arts and the plight of artists in Australia during the pandemic.

Esther Anatolitis, one of the most outspoken arts' advocates, has a long and distinguished career in arts' leadership positions in Australia and overseas. 

She was recently appointed Honorary Associate Professor at RMIT's School of Art. 

Yesterday, 20th of August, marked her last day as the Executive Director of NAVA.

Speaking to SBS Greek, Ms Anatolitis explained the reality for Australian visual artists and contemporary art spaces during the pandemic. From the disappearance of exhibition spaces, due to COVID-19 restrictions, to ceasing of travelling and lack of financial support and highly restrictive or unfavourable, for artists, conditions for Jobseeker and Jobkeeper, Ms Anatolitis makes a compelling case for Australian artists.

Ester Anatolitis is also the Vice president of Contemporary Arts Precincts and has previously held leadership roles at SBS, Craft Victoria, Melbourne Fringe, Antipodes Festival and Regional Arts Victoria.
