Efforts underway for Sydney's "Little Greece" new home

Zoi Tsardoulias

Η ομογενής δημοτική σύμβουλος του Marrickville Ζωή Τσαρδούλια με τον επίσης δημοτικό σύμβουλο Mat Howard Source: Supplied/Zoi Tsardoulias

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"Inner West is the birthplace of multiculturalism, and this is a fantastic way to reflect that diversity in the most recognisable building in Marrickville that recently celebrated its 100th birthday", said in our program the Greek-Australian Councillor, Zoi Tsardoulias, on the occasion of the efforts to turn the Town Hall into a multicultural space for music and arts.

The efforts of the Greek-Australian councillor of the Marrickville Municipality, Zoi Tsardoulias, to create a multicultural music and arts centre in the Town Hall of the suburb of Sydney, known for the historical presence of Greeks, are continuing at an intensive pace.

Main Points

  • Aiming to make Marrickville Town Hall an arts centre
  • Efforts to strengthen 'Little Greece'
  • "My late husband is my inspiration"

On the occasion of the National Palingenesia anniversary, SBS Greek contacted Ms. Tsardoulias, who spoke about her joint efforts with Marrickville City Councillor, Mat Howard.

"It’s been great working with my friend and colleague Councillor Mat Howard on our plan to convert Marrickville Town Hall into a home for multicultural performances and live music. We’re doing this because the Inner West is the birthplace of multiculturalism, and this is a fantastic way to reflect that diversity in the most recognisable building in Marrickville that recently celebrated its 100th birthday", she said.

Zoi Tsardoulias
H «Μικρή Ελλάδα» στολισμένη με την γαλανόλευκη για την επέτειο της 25ης Μαρτίου Source: Supplied/Zoi Tsardoulias
Regarding the municipality's immediate plans for the ethnic communities, Ms.Tsardoulias said that the aim is to strengthen "Little Greece" by supporting the arts, as well as local immigrant businesses, in an effort to pay tribute to the important role played by the Greek diaspora in the region.

"Inner West Labor is committed to building on the work which was done in the last term of council, including the Racism Not Welcome campaign, developing an Anti-Racism Strategy and naming Marrickville Road “Little Greece.” We want to strengthen Little Greece by supporting more public art, local migrant businesses and by paying tribute to the significant role the Greek diaspora have played in making Marrickville the place that it is today", she said.
