Drew Pavlou’s appeal to be heard on 29 of June

Drew Pavlou

Drew Pavlou Source: Twitter

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Drew Pavlou, a Greek Cypriot student currently engaged in a legal dispute with the University of Queensland announced that his appeal on his suspension from the university will be held on the 29th of June.

Greek Cypriot student activist Drew Pavlou has announced on social media that the date set for his appeal regarding his suspension from the University of Queensland (UQ) has been set as June 29th.

The appeal

According to a statement on UQ’s website, the appeal will be heard a committee comprised by the institution’s Senate members, staff and student representatives, known as the Senate Disciplinary Appeals Committee (SDAC).

This committee has the power to change the decision of the previous board that decided that Mr Pavlou should be suspended from studying at the university until the end of 2022. According to the statement Mr Pavlou remains an enrolled student until his appeal is resolved. However he told SBS Greek that due the pressure to his mental health he has withdrawn from his studies this semester.

‘’I had to withdraw from my courses this semester, I could no longer keep up with my studies because of the pressure’’ he said.  

The 21-year-old student is currently suing the university, the chancellor Peter Varghese and Vice-Chancellor Peter Hoj for $3.5 million for ‘’defamation, deceit, breach of contract, bullying and harassment’’.
Anti-Chinese Communist Party activist Drew Pavlou.
Anti-Chinese Communist Party activist Drew Pavlou. Source: AAP
According to Mr Pavlou, the university has not yet replied to his Supreme Court Claim, but recently the institution’s law firm informed him of the possibility that the university may prosecute him ‘’for contempt of court’’, something UQ has done in the past. A conviction for contempt of court could lead to a penalty of three years in prison.  
A university spokesperson told SBS Greek that UQ does not comment on individual student matters.

The university has been trying to suspend Mr Pavlou from his studies saying that he is responsible for 11 alleged misdemeanours. Meanwhile Mr Pavlou says that his suspension is the result of his criticism towards the Chinese authorities.

Press Play to hear the interview with Drew Pavlou. 

