A pioneer of the Greek Language Program at SBS Radio, dies at 94

Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος

Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος Source: Yiannis Dramitinos

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One of the pioneers of SBS Greek, Gregory Chronopoulos has died at the age 0f 94.

Gregory Chronopoulos, who passed away on Sunday,  was one of the first members of the Greek Program at radio station 2EA, which later became SBS Radio.

He was born in 1926. He retired from 2EA in late 1991. He had migrated in Australia in 1955. As a member of the Greek army he had fought in the Korean war in the early part of the '50s.

In Australia he was heavily involved in the affairs of the Greek community. He had played in theatre, and was member of many organisations, including the Greek branch of the RSL.

He also wrote poems, shot stories and theatre plays.

His funeral is this Thursday in Sydney.
Ο Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Θέμης Καλλός
Ο Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος με τον Θέμη Καλλό σε εκδήλωση στην Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Κοινότητα της ΝΝΟ το 2018 Source: SBS Greek
Αλέκος Καθάρειος-Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Γιώργος Καναράκης
Αλέκος Καθάρειος-Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Γιώργος Καναράκης Source: Yiannis Dramitinos
Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Σοφία Καθαρείου
Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Σοφία Καθαρείου Source: Yiannis Dramitinos
Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Γιάννης Καλλιμάνης- Γιάννης Θεοδωρίδης
Γρηγόρης Χρονόπουλος- Γιάννης Καλλιμάνης- Γιάννης Θεοδωρίδης Source: Supplied
