Scott Morrison will celebrate with the Greek community the Orthodox Easter

Prime Minister, Mr. Scott Morrison will celebrate with members of the Sydney's Greek community the Orthodox Easter later tonight.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with Archbishop Mr Makarios

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with Archbishop Mr Makarios Source: Supplied

Mr Morrison will attend the Easter service at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Resaurrection of the Christ, located in the suburb of Kogarah.

The church is in Mr Morrison's federal seat of Cook.

The Easter service will be conducted by Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Mr Makarios, having in his side the Bishop of Militoupolis Mr Iakovos and Bishop of Meloi Mr Emilanos.

It should be noted that a few years ago another sitting Prime Minister attended the Easter service at the same church. It was Tony Abbott.

Να σημειωθεί ότι πριν λίγα χρόνια είχε γιορτάσει την Ανάσταση στον ίδιο ναό και ο τότε πρωθυπουργός Τόνι Άμποτ.

1 min read
Published 1 May 2021 7:07pm
Updated 3 May 2021 12:14pm
By Themi Kallos

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