PM Scott Morrison addresses Greek community ahead of Easter

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison has sent a message to Orthodox Christians celebrating Easter on 24 April 2022

Morrison Makarios

PM Scott Morrison (left) and Archbishop Makarios leave at the end of the Ecumenical Service to commemorate the commencement of Australian Parliament for 2022 Source: AAP/Lukas Coch

The full message is as follows:

Greetings to all Orthodox Christians who are celebrating Easter.

The meaning of Easter is found in three words: He is Risen!

It is the day when light triumphed over darkness and when Christians can declare “Where, O death, is your victory? Where O death is your sting?”

Like Christians everywhere, I see love expressed in the cross of Calvary and hope expressed in the empty tomb. This is the faith we share.

This year Easter will be especially joyous, as Christians of all denominations give thanks with open churches and full pews on this holiest of days. Again we can sing the joyous songs of our faith.

This Easter is a day of joy – and one where we give thanks for all our blessings.

May Orthodox Christians across Australia experience the Risen Christ’s presence and peace this Resurrection Sunday!

The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Prime Minister of Australia

1 min read
Published 21 April 2022 2:30pm

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