Learn Dutch - Episode 44: groceries


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Everyone goes to the supermarket once a week, or more often, to do their shopping. That is why this episode is all about grocery shopping. As always, Joyce from Dutch with Joyce will go through some useful words and sentences.

Words from lesson 44: groceries
shop / store (de) winkel
groceries(de) boodschappen
bread(het) brood
milk(de) melk
fruit(het) fruit
vegetables(de) groenten
meat(het) vlees
cheese(de) kaas
rice(de) rijst
pasta(de) pasta
I'm going to the store for groceries.Ik ga naar de winkel voor boodschappen.
We need bread, milk, and fruit.We hebben brood, melk en fruit nodig.
I always buy fresh vegetables and fruit.Ik koop altijd verse groenten en fruit.
The meat is in the refrigerator.Het vlees ligt in de koelkast.
I bought cheese and ham for lunch.Ik heb kaas en ham gekocht voor de lunch.
Pasta is easy and quick to preparePasta is makkelijk en snel te bereiden.
Can you bring some rice for me?Kun je wat rijst voor me meenemen?
I never forget my shopping listIk vergeet nooit mijn boodschappenlijstje.
Where is the milk in the store?Waar staat de melk in de winkel?
The checkout is at the exit of the store.De kassa is bij de uitgang van de winkel.
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