
 Spokesman Yang Guang dismisses a hardline minority of protesters as “thugs” attempting to turn the territory into an “independent or semi-independent political entity.”

Yang Guang dismisses a hardline minority of protesters as “thugs” attempting to turn the territory into an “independent or semi-independent political entity.” Source: Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Chinese Central Government

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香港局勢持續緊張,昨日中國國務院港澳辦新聞發言人楊光在記者會上,發表了中方對示威人士五項訴求的看法。 楊光說,這些人的終極目的,是想爭取實施雙普選,他指反對派想要的普選制度是超出基本法和全國人大常委會有關決定,究竟他有些什麽理據呢? 另外,有警員昨日因追捕學生和上巴士搜查黑衣人而受到批評。 張慕澄於這節「中港快訊」裏,會首先對最近在坊間流傳她的不能辭職錄音片段作出回應。
