
Prime Minister Scott Morrison hands over flowers for mothers day with his wife Jenny (left), mother Marion (centre) and two daughters Abbey ( second left), and

Prime Minister Scott Morrison hands over flowers for mothers day with his wife Jenny (left), mother Marion and two daughters Abbey (second left), and Lily Source: AAP

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總理莫理遜昨日主持在墨爾本會展中心舉行的自由黨聯邦大選誓師大會,現場不見前任澳洲總理,但他的媽媽 Marion、太太 Jenny 和兩個女兒 Abbey 和 Lily 都出來為他站台。

莫理遜在會上宣佈由如果兩黨聯盟再度連任的話,政府將為首次置業人士提供信貸擔保,他們只需最少支付百分之五作為首期供款,政府會為由餘下至到最高 20% 的首期做擔保。

另外,最新 Newspoll 民意調查顯示,工黨繼續以 51%-49% 領先兩黨聯盟。詳情請收聽溫楚良和宋慶勤的報導。
