中國代購狂掃奶粉 本地家長叫苦連天

Chinese baby formula customers who buy Australian products, only to sell them overseas, are sending up to 30,000 packages of the items per day

Chinese baby formula customers who buy Australian products, only to sell them overseas, are sending up to 30,000 packages of the items per day Source: US Airforce photo by Airman 1st Class Mercedes Porter

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今天,由溫楚良和張慕澄主持的「中港快訊」中,他們會談到中國的“代購”在澳洲瘋狂搶購奶粉的情況。 另外,早前香港青衣長青公路發生特大車禍,旅遊巴撞向已開著“死火燈”的“的士”,釀成 5 死 32 傷,有些死者是被抛出旅遊巴外致死的。 由於香港政府現時沒有明文規定這些公車乘客一定要佩戴安全帶,所以政府想在這方面徵詢業界的意見。
