中國進口螢光筆內藏300公斤麻黃素 警拘三人

澳洲邊防局與新州警察採取聯合行動,在一批進口自中國的文具中搜獲接近 300 公斤麻黃素,拘捕三人。

A man has been charged after a joint investigation by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) into the alleged importation of almost 300kg of ephedrine, concealed in 21,000 highlighter pens.

Source: Australian Border Force

澳洲邊防局與新州警察採取聯合行動,在一批進口自中國的文具中搜獲接近 300 公斤麻黃素,拘捕三人。

當局在本年 2 月 10 日檢查一個自中國運抵雪梨的貨櫃,內裡裝有五板螢光筆及其他文具。

邊防局人員在雪梨貨櫃檢查站透過「X光機」檢查貨櫃,發現內藏的 50 盒螢光筆有異。

經當局拆開貨櫃並進行檢驗,證實貨櫃內的 21,000 支螢光筆內藏 294 公斤麻黃素,警方表示份量足以製造約 240 萬劑冰毒,市值約 1.2 億元。
A man has been charged after a joint investigation by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) into the alleged importation of almost 300kg of ephedrine, concealed in 21,000 highlighter pens.
Source: Australian Border Force
A man has been charged after a joint investigation by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) into the alleged importation of almost 300kg of ephedrine, concealed in 21,000 highlighter pens.
Source: Australian Border Force

三名年齡分別為 26、27 及 34 歲的男子在上星期五(23 日)抵達上址並被執法人員即場拘捕。

其中,該名 27 歲男子被正式落案起訴入口可供銷售數量的違禁物品,被拒絕保釋並將在本週三(28 日)在中央區域法庭出席審訊。

一旦罪成,最高刑罰為入獄 25 年及/或罰款 90 萬元。


此外,執法人員亦在雪梨 Glebe 執行一個相關的搜查行動,取走與案件有關的物品。
A man has been charged after a joint investigation by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) into the alleged importation of almost 300kg of ephedrine, concealed in 21,000 highlighter pens.
Source: Australian Border Force
A man has been charged after a joint investigation by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) into the alleged importation of almost 300kg of ephedrine, concealed in 21,000 highlighter pens.
Source: Australian Border Force


Published 26 February 2018 7:10pm
By Winmas Yu

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