

Families looking to enjoy NYE fireworks priced out of the Botanic Gardens. The viewing spot at the Botanic Gardens was free in 2013, but will cost $325 a ticket this year.

Source: Seven Network

SBS Cantonese Program
Source: SBS

據七號電視台報道,雪梨部份除夕煙花的觀賞點在一年間上升了超過 $100。

位於皇家植物園(Royal Botanic Garden)近雪梨歌劇院的 Harbour Hoopla 觀賞區,2013 年免費入場,但今年的入場費已升至每人 $325。

毗鄰的 Bennelong Lawn 本年入場費為每人 $340。

Mrs Macquarie's Point 雖然維持免收費入場,但入座名額只有少於 2,000 名。

而 Farm Cove 區域的入場費則為 $405,St. George OpenAir Cinema 的觀賞點入場費更高達 $430 一位。

對於一家大小前往參與除夕倒數及觀賞新年煙花的家庭而言,全家的入場費用可能高達 $2,000。

2013 年,進入除夕倒數觀賞區的市民,共為州政府帶來超過 77.4 萬元的收益。

預料,本年入場的市民,將會為政府帶來 236 萬元的收入,相比 2013 年上升超過兩倍。

新州工黨上議員夏普(Penny Sharpe)批評收費過高。


但政府回應則指,雪梨仍有不少免費的空間予公眾及家庭選擇,包括 Darling Harbour、Darling Point 及 North Head 等。
Families looking to enjoy NYE fireworks priced out of the Botanic Gardens. The viewing spot at the Botanic Gardens was free in 2013, but will cost $325 a ticket this year.
Source: Seven Network
Families looking to enjoy NYE fireworks priced out of the Botanic Gardens. The viewing spot at the Botanic Gardens was free in 2013, but will cost $325 a ticket this year.
Source: Seven Network

Published 17 October 2017 8:00pm
By Winmas Yu

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