【悲痛欲絕】29歲男醉駕衝燈 四童魂斷雪梨

雪梨西北區發生四死交通意外,肇事 29 歲司機被控 20 項控罪。

A group pauses near flowers placed at the scene where seven children were hit by a four-wheel drive in the Sydney suburb of Oatlands.

A group pauses near flowers placed at the scene where seven children were hit by a four-wheel drive in the Sydney suburb of Oatlands. Source: AAP

星期六(2 月 1 日)晚上約八時,一輛三菱四驅車在巴拉瑪打附近的 Oatlands 高爾夫球場外,撞向當時在行人路上行走的七名兒童,全部年齡不足 14 歲,其中四人死亡。

四名死者分別為 13 歲的 Anthony Abdallah、12 歲的 Angelina Abdallah、九歲的 Sienna Abdallah,以及他們的 11 歲表姊妹 Veronique Sakr。

Photos of three victims were hung among a floral tribute at the scene of the crash.
Photos of three victims were hung among a floral tribute at the scene of the crash. Source: AAP
死者親屬星期日(2 日)前往意外現場悼念死者,大量民眾亦到場放置鮮花悼念。三名死者的父親阿卜杜拉(Daniel Abdallah)及其妻子吉亞加(Leila Geagea)亦有到場。

阿卜杜拉(Daniel Abdallah)在接受訪問時表示,仍然無法接受失去孩子的傷痛事實。



而同在意外中遇難的 Veronique Sakr,其家人在星期日發表聲明,表示對其死亡感到震驚。

報道,家人說:「言語文字完全無法形容所有受影響家庭的痛苦。Veronique 是一個充滿活力朝氣及充滿愛心的 11 歲女孩。」
新州救護服務署理指揮官麥克阿爾平(Andrew McAlpine)星期六晚上表示,救護人員抵達現場時目擊一個非常恐怖的景象。

據悉,肇事 29 歲男司機戴維森(Samuel William Davidson)當時體內酒精濃度為 0.15,較法定血液酒精含量標準高出三倍。


他被控 20 項控罪,包括誤殺、魯莽駕駛、醉酒駕駛、危險駕駛導致他人死亡及身體受害。

案件在星期日於巴拉瑪打裁判法院首度提堂,被告未有申請保釋,繼續還押候審,直至 4 月 2 日再度出庭應訊。
A woman grieves near flowers placed at the scene where seven children were hit on a footpath by a four-wheel drive in the Sydney suburb of Oatlands.
A woman grieves near flowers placed at the scene where seven children were hit on a footpath by a four-wheel drive in the Sydney suburb of Oatlands. Source: AAP


Published 3 February 2020 11:32am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:24pm
By Elsa Tsang, Winmas Yu

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