

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan wants another referendum on Brexit. (AAP) Source: AAP

英國將需在明年 3 月 29 日脫離歐盟。但有民意調查顯示,民眾認為英國政府在脫歐談判上有欠妥當。

倫敦市長簡世德(Sadiq Khan)對英國廣播公司(BBC)表示,難以相信自己會支持舉行第二次公投,但他認為英國在脫歐問題上的表現較他的預期差。


隨著 3 月 29 日限期逼近,但文翠珊的脫歐方案仍未得到歐盟接納,有國會議員、工會及商界領袖均正敦促政府,就最終的脫歐方案,給予當地人民發言權。
The former foreign minister ramps up his criticism of Prime Minister Theresa May's approach to leaving the European Union.
The former foreign minister ramps up his criticism of Prime Minister Theresa May's approach to leaving the European Union. Source: AAP

簡世德說:「我並非一個主張再次舉行公投的人,但亦不是一個主張『永不再舉行公投』的人。但我首次覺得,英國公眾應該對談判結果有發言權 ,包括對首相文翠珊及歐盟談判的內容以及英國留在歐盟的選項。」

簡世德屬於英國在野工黨,他對此問題作公開評論或將推動工黨領袖科爾賓(Jeremy Corbyn)改變其就舉行第二次公投的反對立場。

倫敦市在 2016 年 6 月的公投中,投票反對脫歐,但整體結果顯示英國民眾普遍支持脫離歐盟。

Theresa May has reiterated that there will not be another referendum on Britain's EU membership.
Theresa May has reiterated that there will not be another referendum on Britain's EU membership. Source: AAP


Published 17 September 2018 2:41pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:39pm
By Winmas Yu, Selina Kong
Source: Reuters, SBS

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