巴西軍警罷工逾 700 被檢控

巴西東南部 Espirito Santo (聖埃斯皮里圖州),軍警因不滿薪酬及工作條件而罷工,已進入第 6 天。巴西公共安全總監 André Garcia 表示,有 703 名軍警已被落案控以反叛罪名。由於該州進入無政府狀態,政府唯有調派更多的聯邦士兵到該州維持秩序。

The southeastern Brazilian state of Espirito Santo has turned over security duties to the army as it tries to solve a police crisis that has led to a wave of violence and at least 100 deaths

Brazilian navy soldiers guard the streets in Serra, Espirito Santo state. Source: AP

聖埃斯皮里圖州首府維多利亞市及其他市鎮均發生騷亂,造成至少 122 人身亡。此外,超過 100 家商鋪遭到搶掠、市內公共交通停止運行、學校被迫停課,銀行、醫院和商場均暫停營業。



Published 11 February 2017 12:35pm

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