核裂变 vs 核聚变 - 认识原子弹和氢弹

In this May 21, 1956 file photo, the stem of a hydrogen bomb, the first such nuclear device dropped from a U.S. aircraft (SBS)

In this May 21, 1956 file photo, the stem of a hydrogen bomb, the first such nuclear device dropped from a U.S. aircraft (SBS)

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核武器的威力巨大。二战期间,美国向日本的广岛和长崎投下两颗原子弹,数百万人死亡,造成的核辐射影响持续了半个多世纪。 一提起核武器,人们首先想到的就是原子弹。实际上,核武器可不只有原子弹,核武器具体可以分为三大类:原子弹、氢弹和中子弹。 本期《政治辞典》,我们一起来了解原子弹和氢弹的区别。
