

Parents of missing woman Qi Yu, Qing He (right) and Zhihe Yu (left) are seen during a police press conference in Sydney, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

Parents of missing woman Qi Yu, Qing He (right) and Zhihe Yu (left) are seen during a police press conference in Sydney, Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Source: AAP

Qi Yu father speech
Source: SBS Mandarin / Cantonese


Qi Yu
Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room. (AAP) Source: AAP
Qi Yu
Source: SBS Mandarin / Cantonese
警方表示,此前根据手机追踪车辆地点,判断车辆已经进入悉尼北部林区Ku-ring-gai。警探们认为,现年28岁的俞琪在失踪的那个晚上就已经被抛尸到Hornsby、Berowra、Cowan和Mount Kuring-Ga附近的地区。由于林区里面情况复杂,还有河流,所以很难寻找。目前警方已经在重看道路监控,希望发现进一步线索。

俞琪的车,为一辆2016年丰田卡罗拉Toyota Corolla,新州牌照DLK-13P。
Car of Qi Yu
Source: NSW Police

俞琪室友、19岁男子董硕(音译:Shuo Dong)被捕,随后被控以谋杀罪。据悉,董硕将于7月9日在Burwood地方法院出庭。
Qing the mother of missing women Qi Yu
The mother of missing women Qi Yu has pleaded for information to help find her daughter's body. Source: AAP

Published 26 June 2018 2:12pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:43pm
By Jason Liu, Dong Xing

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