

Bodyguards surround Yunxiang Gao as he arrives at court on April 10, 2018 in Sydney, Australia.

Bodyguards surround Yunxiang Gao as he arrives at court on April 10, 2018 in Sydney, Australia. Source: Getty


35岁的中国影星高云翔和另一名35岁男子王晶被控3月27日在悉尼著名岩石区的香格里拉酒店性侵(sexually assault)一名36女子。
Actor Gao Yunxiang attends the 11th anniversary celebration of Vogue Magazine on November 3, 2016 in Beijing, China.
Actor Gao Yunxiang attends the 11th anniversary celebration of Vogue Magazine on November 3, 2016 in Beijing, China. Source: Getty
本周四在新南威尔士州最高法院,高云翔律师John Korn提交了一个歌厅的录像,称录像内容显示王晶和原告女子之间有“色情的(amorous)”接触。

法庭内坐满了聆讯的人,法官Lucy McCallum表示,她会在判完其他案件之后,再于今天晚些时候来处理保释申请。

Published 28 June 2018 4:56pm
By Dong Xing

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