Highlights of Evan Yako's concert at the Sydney Opera House

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History was made on 25 January 2023, when our Assyrian Australian, Evan Yako, fulfilled his dream of hosting a concert at the Sydney Opera House.

Key Points
  • First Assyrian concert at the Opera House
  • Childhood dream fulfilled
  • Self sponsored and financed concert
What started from a story about a young boy in Baghdad, with a passion for music, especially drums, On Wednesday, he debuted his jazz album.

His album, a fusion of Assyrian folk, Latin and European music and notes, titled ‘Inspirational Stories’ showcasing beautiful instruments, shares stories and brings light to many actual events, personally faced by Evan and his friends and family.

A truly inspiring night, the audience was taken back through time and brought to the future, with the fusion of genres and styles.

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The audience at the Playhouse concert Hall Credit: Oliver Slewa
one particular themed song, composed by Evan, was titled ‘I’m Sorry’ with Assyrian lyrics written by the Assyrian legend singer,

This song was performed on stage by the talented Sydney vocalists, and (Jennifer).

People were serenaded with Assyrian, Spanish and English songs, it felt like a new Jazz genre was born – all composed by Evan and accompanied by a band of astonishing musicians.
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Evan and his Band Credit: Oliver Slewa
The band

Evan described the band as the most multicultural Jazz band on stage, representing musicians from various backgrounds.

So much feedback was received from the audience, it was an emotional roller coaster with feelings of joy and pride to see the first Assyrian artist host a concert at the Sydney Opera House.

Evan thanked all the guests for attending and supporting the concert.

His last words were to thank four exceptional women in his life, his mother, his wife, and his two angels, Melody and Harmony, who have been by his side and supported every step of his musical career.

Portrait of Evan

Assyrian artist and painter Edward Haydo painted a portrait for Evan that contained an ancient Assyrian playing the harp on one corner, the Opera House on the other corner and Evan in the centre.
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o Credit: Edwar Haydo
The painting was on display in the Concert Hall Foyer, it attracted the admiration of the audience for the symbols and the message underneath.
